Inspiring ideas to lift your mood this winter.

Inspiring ideas to lift your mood this winter.

The cold months of winter are here in Australia bringing shorter days and at times miserable weather that have many of us searching for warmth and comfort. Lift your mood with our tips for taking care of yourself this winter.

Start the day well with meditation.

Meditation is wonderful for clearing the mind and creating focus. Start your day with a Tonic eye pillow and allow the gentle weight over your temples and the soft fragrance from the flaxseed and botanical blend fill to deepen your meditative practice. The light pressure of an eye pillow can also assist in relieving headaches and tension.

Stay warm all day with comforting heat therapy.

Working in an office where agreeing on a temperature for the thermostat with your colleagues is tricky? Keep a heat pillow at hand for those days when it’s just a touch too chilly. Just a few minutes in the microwave and you’ll be toasty warm (just make sure to check the turntable is clean first!).

Filled in Australia with locally sourced barley and lavender, the unique curved design of the Deluxe Heat Wrap moulds around your shoulders with the cocooning warmth of a hug. Let the lavender transport you at any time of day into a moment of calm. This shape is ideal for keeping your neck and shoulders warm as you work without getting in your way like a scarf might.

Bath time to finish the day.

Taking a bit of extra time to indulge in a warm bath can be an ideal way to reset your mind after a long day. Set the mood with a fragranced candle then lie back and let our inflatable bath pillow cushion your back. Choose your favourite bath salt blend to finish the experience.

The value of a good night’s sleep.

Up to 40% of Australians experience sleep difficulties, an issue that can negatively affect many aspects of physical and mental health.

A good night’s sleep starts with a good bedtime routine. Pop a filled hot water bottle between the sheets half an hour before going to sleep for a toasty warm and welcoming bed.

Excess light can also affect sleep quality, a Tonic eye mask can ensure are darker environment to encourage more restful nights.

And finally, put down the electronics well before bedtime! Reducing screen time (and especially social media) in the evening helps your mind slow down allowing your body to drift easily to sleep at night.

Stay well and warm this winter with our wellness collection x

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